2024: Tom's Top Ten

by Tom Haugen

(In no particular order…)


10. Paul Weller -- 66

The former frontman of The Jam stays away from Mod-rock here, but delivers plenty of soulful, introspective grit that’s wise and heartfelt.



9. Seized Up -- Modify The Sacred

Hardcore punk from Santa Cruz that’s forceful, furious and fleeting, Seized Up are just as great as the members’ others bands—BL’AST, Good Riddance, The Distillers and Fast Asleep.



8. Spells -- Past Our Prime

The Denver vacation rockers blend garage, punk, pop and hardcore into a gruff and melodic masterpiece.


7. Dee CRACKS -- 20 Years. A Frantic Effort

Austria's finest in the area of smooth and riff filled punk, Dee CRACKS’ head bobbin’ and toe tappin’ ways across this “Best Of” collection actually has the band re-recording all the tunes for an enhanced listen.


6. Cock Sparrer -- Hand On Heart

The English legends never disappoint when it comes to anthemic, rowdy and retro sounding punk that will leave you fist pumping in your kitchen and leaping off your living room furniture into an imaginary pit.



5. Andrea von Kampen -- Sister Moon

A Nebraska folk singer with a voice that you can’t not be in awe of, whether it’s acoustic guitar, keys or cello guiding the mood, the touching songs here make a significant impression.


4. Samuel Wilbur -- The Age

A Twin Cities artist who knows his way around shoegaze and folk ideas, there's plenty of focus on mood and dreaminess to be enjoyed across this diverse outing.


3. The Vaccines -- Pick-Up Full Of Pink Carnations

The Brit-rockers who never let us down bring their swirling guitars, endless hooks and garage rock energy that further impresses us on this sixth album.


2. The Lunar Laugh -- In The Black

A record that might be pop at its core, Oklahoma's The Lunar Laugh also bring ’60s ideas, cello and pedal steel to a steady stream of harmonic, jangly and dreamy songwriting.



1. Plizzken -- Do You Really Wanna Know?

Germany has a long history with seminal punk bands, and Plizzken should certainly be on that list, too. These working class, street punk anthems are as sincere as they are charged, and the gang vocals and buzzing guitars aren't in short supply, either.


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