After the misstep that was Sonic Highways, Dave Grohl and company has returned with a proper album. Produced by pop kingpin Greg Kurstin and packed to the gills with guest stars, the album is the proper next step after the success that was 2011’s Wasting Light.
“Run” is one of the best singles they’ve put out in awhile, featuring a slow intro, great guitars, and some of Grohl’s best screaming since “Monkey Wrench.” The drums could be a bit louder in the mix, though that’s the only issue with the song; other than that, it’s perfect. “The Sky Is A Neighborhood” has some okay verses, but when it comes to the chorus, it nails it out the park. This one is very good and extremely notable.
On the other hand, “Make It Right” (which contains uncredited backing vocals from Justin Timberlake) sounds too much like a hard pop song and is quite skippable. “La Dee Da” kicks off with a fantastic bass riff and includes saxophone work by Dave Koz of all people. The song works well and integrates newest full-time Foo Rami Jaffee on keyboards; the whole thing sounds kickass.
“Happy Ever After (Zero Hour) is a jaunty walk through some ‘60s era pop, with great background harmonies and everyone utilizing some extra percussion. It’s definitely one of the more interesting tracks here. “Dirty Water” is a full-on slower number that on the surface seems a bit out of place with the harder edged material, but this is a new Foo Fighters where anything goes, whether it works or not. The closing title track feels too slow for its own good and would’ve served itself better in the middle, not as a closer.
“Sunday Rain” features Taylor Hawkins on vocals and Paul McCartney of all people on drums! The song is okay but it never feels like it goes anywhere. “The Line” features Taylor with some excellent backing vocals and has a bit more rock to it. This definitely has the potential to be a single, as it would sound great coming out of radios on a breezy day.
All in all, this is a very diverse record and something to be proud of. It won’t be looked upon like The Colour And The Shape, but it’s great to see a band like this branching out and trying things they wouldn’t have fifteen years ago.