Sense Excuses


Pirates Press Records, 2018

REVIEW BY: Tom Haugen


The Spain outfit Crim has been racking up quite a bit of praise since their first album in 2014, which was largely considered the best punk rock record in their country that year. As more and more records followed, the band gained national attention with their proficient guitar work, gritty vocals, and kinetic rhythm section that's full of singalongs and anthemic qualities – all the hallmarks of timeless punk rock songwriting. my_heart_sings_the_harmony_web_ad_alt_250

The title track starts the listen with throaty but tuneful vocals as the driving music draws parallels to Southern California legends like Social Distortion or Bad Religion. Deeper into the tune, background vocals and guitar solos add much to the instantly memorable formula. “Mai Vam Ser Especials” follows with an anthemic approach as gang vocals and a rock 'n' roll influence seep into the guitar driven intensity.

Side B is a pair of covers and their first songs in English. Crim leads with the call-and-response intensity of “Prince Of The Rodeo,” where swirling guitar work and thundering percussion illuminate the fiery setting. Hot Water Music covered this Turbonegro original way back in 2008, and they did a hell of a job, but this version definitely trumps it – and I say that as a diehard Hot Water Music fan. “Watch Your Back” by the almighty Cock Sparrer exits the listen with strategically placed 'hey heys' and an energetic rhythm section as the aggressive yet melodic pace will have any punk in search of the nearest pit. It parallels the greatness achieved by Cock Sparrer, who undoubtedly influenced Crim's sound.

A fine example of modern day punk rock, the 7” EP comes with a bilingual lyric sheet, a download card, and is even pressed on ultra clear with black smoke wax. It's limited to just 200 copies, and amazingly, there are still some left.

Rating: A-

User Rating: Not Yet Rated



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