Daggers And Dynamite (EP)


Benihana Records, 2004


REVIEW BY: Chris Harlow


With the release of the six-song Daggers & Dynamite E.P., an album title obviously lifted from a previously forgotten lyrical afterthought on Amulet's "Breaking News" single, the band obviously thought it wise to hire a new label to repackage the hits from the band's second and third albums, Freedom Fighters and Danger!, Danger!

Having been earlier signed to the major label Columbia in the Nordic countries, the only reason that I can think it was necessary to come out with my_heart_sings_the_harmony_web_ad_alt_250 Daggers & Dynamite was to expose the rest of the world and primarily Europe to those tracks off Danger!, Danger! that the band couldn't get Columbia to market outside of Scandinavia. Given that Amulet's breakthrough effort, Freedom Fighters, was released on the respected German mid-major label Bitzcore throughout Europe (in addition to Scandinavia) before Columbia signed them, Amulet had a lot of momentum riding down south as the burgeoning heir apparent in becoming kings of the contemporary punk scene.

By and large, Daggers & Dynamite successfully identifies and offers the best tracks from those two albums. I've shared my thoughts on both releases with previous write-ups and can honestly say that Daggers is the best bet for a new listener in making their first purchase of the band's material, as Danger! begins to pull away from what I will call the classic Amulet sound that Freedom Fighters delivers. And since All That is Solid Melts Into Air takes Amulet into tamer safaris than Danger! dares to trek, the Danger! tracks on Daggers begin to sound better than they ever did originally.

The key singles from those albums are revealed on this E.P -- from the riveting fury of Freedom Fighters' "Naked Eye" to the suspenseful "Breaking News" and one-for-the-ladies punk anthem "We Are Thunders" -- with the fortunate addition of "(Cocaine) Nosebleed" making you almost forget how wonderfully chaotic the band's first omitted hit, "Life On The Edge Of Chaos," sounds. With the addition of "Nosebleed," long time fans can nod approvingly that Amulet still appreciates their truly hardcore days, despite recent recordings leading one to believe otherwise.

With that said, Daggers & Dynamite is as comprehensive a snapshot of Amulet's recording history to this point as it is varied with regards to what comes packaged on this CD. This knowledge alone makes it even less necessary to hunt the vinyl that carries the elusive "Life on the Edge of Chaos" single as an extra track.

Rating: B+

User Rating: Not Yet Rated



© 2005 Chris Harlow and The Daily Vault. All rights reserved. Review or any portion may not be reproduced without written permission. Cover art is the intellectual property of Benihana Records, and is used for informational purposes only.