Oftentimes, I find myself digging through a record store bargain bin in search of goodies. What I usually find are records from the ’80 or ’90s with an alternative/punk feel that I’ve vaguely heard about and want to check out. Occasionally, I’ll pick up something based off a twinge of a thought from my childhood. Thus, picking up Love Jones’ second album.
What is Love Jones, you might ask? Well in the ’90s, there was a thing called the Cocktail Revival, where artists like Esquivel and Combustible Edison made easy listening lounge music semi-cool again. That’s what Love Jones tried to do. Formed in Kentucky by former members of Squirrel Bait, the legendary indie rock band, these wannabes moved to L.A. to hit it big. Finding a small lounge they could play at, they managed to get one song on the Swingers soundtrack. This, their follow-up, tries to see them looking all suave and retro in their sunglasses and rented jackets.
From the very first track, “The Thing,” you know they’re in for trouble. Bad disco melodies and a group of vocalists who can’t sing very well make for a group that wants to be a cool, retro R&B/swing band like Squirrel Nut Zippers. Unfortunately, what you have is a second- or third-tier band that sounds like a garage band writing very simple songs without much thought to them.
This record is far below average and was destined to wind up in the cutout, 99-cent bin of record stores across the country. Even a song like “World Of Summer” is garbage; in the hands of a better band, like say Mint Condition, it would’ve turned out pretty cool, but this is just white boy crap that no one should want to hear.
Even the lyrics are pedestrian and banal: check out “Help Wanted,” which sounds like maybe an eighth grader wrote these songs. This is just ridiculous and utter crap. Unless one wants to hear some of the most boring and asinine songs ever created, this is an album to be completely avoided.
In the end, the record stiffed and the band disappeared from the face of the earth. Thank God!