Parallel Universe

Plain White T's

Fearless, 2018

REVIEW BY: Pete Crigler


About once a year, a record comes along that is just garbage: pure, unlistenable garbage. Previous winners have been Blues Traveler and Kid Rock. Well, now you can add Plain White T’s to the list. Three years after nearly bottoming out with their last release, the band has come back with another disc. This time they’ve gone in a carefree, Maroon 5-type pop style complete with keyboards galore. Right from the get go, you know you’re in trouble. “Light Up The Room” goes in a dance pop vein, something that has been done to death at this point and it does nothing to help this band at this point. They just seem like continuing to jump on the bandwagon that probably ended some time in 2015.my_heart_sings_the_harmony_web_ad_alt_250

The attempt at cursing and trying to appear all tough on “Bonnie I Want You” actually made me laugh out loud. For a group that was good at sweet lovely pop songs, this band has faded in the opposite direction towards career oblivion. Give me the next real rock/punk band please!

This keyboard/drum machine that has taken over what used to be known as pop music has gotten out of hand. “Lips” is crap…actually, this whole record is crap. The whole thing just stinks to high heaven. I’m not sure even the band’s diehard fanbase would appreciate a record that sucks this much.

“Call Me” is an example of the garbage that has taken over the music industry. Even when the band  tries to pull themselves together on “Top Of The World” it’s taken down by its simplicity; this track so simple, down to the beat and lyrics, that it could pass for an imitation grade Imagine Dragons song.

It feels like they’ve recorded the whole thing with one guitar, vocals, and a ton of computer effects. It sucks; there’s nothing memorable here, no lyrics that stand out, no beautiful melodies. Nothing, just crap and a vacant feeling where a good song like “1,2,3,4” used to be. They’ve become a bargain basement Maroon 5, circa 2010! No one wants that now and to see this band going the way of the buffalo is kind of sad; next stop, Phase 2 nightclub in Lynchburg on tour with Hoobastank. This must be some kind of parallel universe; otherwise, I don’t believe the band would have put out a record this bad otherwise.

Rating: F

User Rating: Not Yet Rated



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