20 Years. A Frantic Effort


Pirates Press Records, 2023


REVIEW BY: Tom Haugen


Two decades is a pretty long time for a punk band to exist, and Austria’s DeeCRACKS have made the feat with handfuls of melodic and driving tunes that have been globally enjoyed. To commemorate the occasion, they’ve assembled this triple 10” release that brings together some of their favorites.my_heart_sings_the_harmony_web_ad_alt_250

The charged, gruff and highly tuneful “Burnt Out” begins the listen with an immediate sing-along appeal, and it isn’t long until the bouncy bass lines of “Down Out And Low” brings plenty of soaring backing vocals to the sturdy riffs.

Though most of the songs here don’t even hit the two-minute mark, “I Need A Nurse” is nearly three minutes of quick, raging guitar solos and head bobbin’, toe tappin’ punk rock that we could never tire of. “My Baby Quit Rehab,” the shortest track at not even a minute, than touches on the timeless tradition of pop-punk.

Deeper into the 28 songs, “Rat In A Trap” hits a little harder, but not without plenty of razor sharp melodies, while the summery and even dance-floor-friendly “Monkey Boy (Sandcastle Version)” is largely instrumental and showcases an incredible familiarity between the players.

Inching towards the end, the indeed heartfelt “Don’t Turn Your Heart Off” is about as intimate as the band will get, and “Beach 90” exits with some of the album’s best backing vocals and acrobatic drumming that is so well done, I just can’t imagine anyone not enjoying the lovely harmonies and dynamic rhythm section.

Now most bands will simply slap together songs from the past for their ‘Best Of’ releases, but DeeCRACKS actually re-recorded all these tunes, where enhanced production and a pair of new ragers further solidify why this is one of the best bands in recent history.

Rating: A

User Rating: Not Yet Rated



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