Christopher Thelen's Reviews

ArtistAlbumReview Date
Bob DylanBob Dylan1999-08-24
Bob DylanBiograph2017-05-23
Bob DylanThe Freewheelin' Bob Dylan1999-10-02
Bob DylanReal Live2017-05-16
Bob DylanDylan2014-06-02
Bob DylanInfidels2008-01-22
Bob DylanSaved2017-05-10
Bob DylanHard Rain2017-05-02
Bob DylanBlood On The Tracks2017-04-26
Bob DylanBob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II2017-04-18
Bob DylanNashville Skyline2017-04-12
Bob DylanBlonde On Blonde1999-02-15
Bob DylanHighway 61 Revisited2017-04-04
Bob DylanKnocked Out Loaded2023-04-12
Bob DylanPlanet Waves2008-01-16
Bob DylanPat Garrett And Billy The Kid2017-04-20
Bob DylanThe Times They Are A-changin'1999-10-26
Bob DylanBob Dylan's Greatest Hits2017-04-06
Bob DylanSlow Train Coming2008-01-21
Bob DylanBob Dylan At Budokan2017-05-08
Bob Dylan / The BandBefore The Flood2017-04-24
Bob DylanEmpire Burlesque2017-05-18
Bob DylanAnother Side Of Bob Dylan2017-01-17
Bob DylanJohn Wesley Harding2017-04-10
Bob DylanChristmas In The Heart2009-12-05
Bob DylanTime Out Of Mind1999-06-12
Bob DylanShot Of Love2017-05-12
Bob DylanSelf Portrait2008-01-14
Bob DylanStreet Legal2017-05-04
Bob DylanDesire2017-04-28

<< 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 >>

Christopher Thelen's Articles

TitleTypeArticle Date
Anthrax Stumble Out Of The Gate, But Return To Be 'Among The Living'Feature2005-05-02
House Lights... The Concert's OverEssay2005-09-30
New Year's Madness 1998Essay1998-12-31
A Dream Goes On ForeverEssay2007-01-02
It Was Twenty Years Ago TodayFeature2017-01-13
Rock And Roll All NiteFeature2020-05-18
A Dangerous MeetingFeature2020-06-01
Invisible GuestsFeature2020-06-15
Tied To The Whippin' PostFeature2020-06-29
Silver HighlightsEssay2022-01-13
Marillion Breaks The "Seven Year Itch"Feature2004-10-04
Dio: Dreamers Never DieFeature2023-09-18