Revolutions (EP)
Independent release, 2007
REVIEW BY: Daniel Camp
Brave Citizens is my alternative flavor of the month, a group that has managed to have their entire discography stuck in my head for days at a time… granted, that’s less of a miracle when you consider that said discography is a grand total of four songs, but it’s a feat nonetheless.
Comprised primarily by Andrew Capra and Adam Bialik, with assists from numerous other musicians, Brave Citizens is a perfect example of the latest trend of made-for-iTunes/MySpace indie bands, complete with the YouTube videos that show their touring life. Based on the videos and the MySpace page, the group seems to be generally witty, charming young men looking to make names for themselves. A recipe for greatness, right? But how’s the music?
The group’s sound is not altogether original (think Oasis mixed with Switchfoot), but it’s refreshingly free of the screams that currently seem to be all the rage in alternative music. The singing is, in fact, singing, and these vocals are very pleasant, if not spectacular. Revolutions wisely displays the group’s knack for both upbeat pop songs and ballads, with the latter category represented very well in “Young.”
The disc seems to go in order from the worst songs to the best, moving from the rather weak, peppy openers “The Same Way” and “How Much Longer?” to the lyrically and musically impressive climax of “All Or Not,” then finally serenading the listener with the aforementioned “Young.” This arrangement fails to hook the listener initially but also has the desired effect by leaving you wanting more, which should be the goal of any EP.
My biggest problem with Revolutions is a lack of raw power. Several times while listening I waited for the blast of guitars to wow me, but those moments either never came or seemed muffled when they did. This disc represents untapped potential to me; Brave Citizens is a group that can put together excellent songs, but that needs help making the presentation less polished and more commanding.
In the end, this EP is a catchy, if forgettable, beginning to the careers of Capra and Bialik. Nothing here will blow you away, but all four songs carry the potential to remain with you throughout your day. Revolutions may have been a poor title choice; nothing here will change lives, but it’s sure to provide an entertaining 15 minutes.